Rail Coach Factory, Nishatpura to manufacture 33 Humsafar coaches!!
The full 3rd ac “successfull” rail service Humsafar Express is to get some modification in its facility and security like addition of urinals in tiolets etc. For the Modification purpose in first round 170 coaches are to be prepared by the rail coach factories over the country. Some Coach factories are going to prepare it the first time and some are preparing the LHB type rake first time. Rail Coach Factory Nishatpura is one of them. It has be allocated the task of manufacturing 33 Humsafar coaches with modern amineties. Earlier, the Rail Coach Factory,Nishatpura prepared 2 Model Rakes with modern amineties this year.

The task is to begain before September. The rakes such prepared can be allocated to 2 Humsafars. If, this task is completed till October end one of these rakes may be given to the Bhopal division (WCR) for their use in a Originating Humsafar from Bhopal.
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