Maglev – Introduction.
Maglev (derived from Magnetic levitation) is a transport method that uses magnetic levitation to move vehicles without making contact with the ground. Maglev trains does not have any wheels they move in air due to the magnetic repultions.

Maglev trains move more smoothly and more quietly than wheeled mass transit systems. The power needed for levitation is typically not a large percentage of its overall energy consumption; most goes to overcome drag, as with other high-speed transport.
Compared to conventional trains the maglev trains are costly to establish but saves more after.Moreover such high speeds are possible to get only through a non frictional model. The most energy generated in a normal train (may it be generated by diesel or by electricity) is wasted by the forces which oppose the motion among which the frictional force is a major factor.
The non contact feature of maglev reduces the energy loss to a great proportion due to which it has good speed generation and excellent acceleration.
Maglevs have a potiential speed of 3,500 km/h. This speed was calculated if there would be no air drag.
More about Maglev in the subsequent blogs.
More about Maglev in the subsequent blogs.
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